Kingsfishers by H Murray of Carnforth. This case having been examined by the UK's authority on the life and work of this taxidermist is surprised to see such a sparse case in terms of groundwork. The overall effect however is very pleasing. These birds are currently in the same family for the past 30 years.
Snipe with chicks, suggested either by Murray / Salkeld of Carnforth. This case originally made £50.00 when sold at auction in 1979, more recently sold for approximately £1500.00. The groundwork infers that this is more likely the work of Thomas Salkeld, who trained under Murray. We suggest that the work is therefore that of Salkeld and not Henry Murray.

Single Kingfisher by H Murray of Carnforth.

Snipe with chicks, close up of the above case
Kittiwake in summer plumage by H Murray of Carnforth.
Kittiwake in summer plumage by H Murray of Carnforth.
Label on the rear of the above case by H Murray of Carnforth.

Golden Eagles and White Tailed Sea Eagle by Henry Murray of Carnforth. This case is part of the Kendal Museum. More images from this museum to follow.
Sparrowhawk and Hawk Owl by H Murray of Carnforth.
Original letter sent by Murray with reference to tanning of a Coyote. Many thanks for the image Cathy.
Victorian Badgers head by H Murray of Carnforth
Victorian Fox head by H Murray of Carnforth
Victorian lable by H Murray of Carnforth
Victorian taxidermy dome containing Kingfishers by Murray. Very rare item indeed
Victorian taxidermy case of a Male Merlin by Murray
A truly amazing Green Woodpecker by Murray of Carnforth, just look at the painting in the background. Many thanks Dave. The story of the woodpecker. The bird was purchased at a furniture sale in Carlisle 24 years ago along
with a woodcock and goosander by un-named taxidermists each costing £5. The
vendor of the woodpecker was from Kendal and had around 20 lots the best of
which we the woodpecker and a peregrine falcon in dome which unfortunately I
could not afford as I was newly married and saving for a carpet.
I worked for a different department of the firm of auctioneers and knew that
the woodpecker had a £75 reserve and the vendor had indicated that he would
not be able to attend the sale. I was simply helping the bidding which had
got up to £60 with no intention of purchasing as I loved the item but could
not afford it, when the vendor walked in and said “sell it”. You may well
imagine my fear at going home and telling my new wife that I had spent the
carpet money on a stuffed bird!
Victorian taxidermy case of a Male Buzzard by Murray
Victorian Lesser Black Backed Gull by H Murray of Carnforth.
Tragopan Pheasant by H Murray of Carnforth.
Label by H Murray of Carnforth.
Victorian taxidermy case of a Long Eared Owl by Murray
Short Eared Owl by Murray of Carnforth.Again a fabulous watercolour background
Kestrel with short tailed Vole prey by Murray of Carnforth.
Murray Otter mask. Thanks Jeff
Ivorine placque from a Murray Otter mask shield. Thanks Jeff
Victorian taxidermy case of a Barn Owl by Murray
Victorian taxidermy case of a Male Pheasant by Murray
Victorian Label by H Murray of Carnforth.
Victorian taxidermy case of a Great Crested Grebes with Chick by Murray
Victorian taxidermy case of a Polecat by Murray
Victorian taxidermy case of a Male Marsh Harrier by Murray
Victorian taxidermy case of a Male Sparrowhawk by Murray
Victorian trade label by Murray of Carnforth.
Victorian taxidermy case of a Red Grouse by Murray
Victorian Ptarmigan by Murray of Carnforth.
Victorian taxidermy case of a Immature Female Peregrine by Murray
Victorian Fox chasing Rabbits by Murray of Carnforth.
Victorian pair of Peregrines by Murray of Carnforth.
Fox head by H Murray of Carnforth.
Fox pads by H Murray of Carnforth.
Fox head by H Murray of Carnforth.
Thomas Salkeld of Kellett,near Carnforth
This site has a lot of imagery on both the subject of H Murray of Carnforth and also the life and work of Thomas Salkeld. However out of respect for the scholarly work being produced by the UK's expert on both these taxidermist we have refrained from publishing what we have. We have discussed what infromation we have with Mr Dent and the images that you see within this page represents discussion with Mr Dent as not to interfere with his research and images that he would wish to publish himself.
Common Buzzard with Song Thrush prey Jay by Salkeld of Kellett, near Carnforth. Competent taxidermy but inferior and less desirable work to that of his employer Henry Murray, who's work is more skilled. Classic mistake by Salkeld is the removal of some of the cranial bones thus giving the flat look around the eye. Birds of prey have eyebrow bone (taxidermists know this) and if removed then the finished look is incorrect and "flat". A common fault with Victorian birds
Eagles by Henry Murray. Shown here merely to depict the correct retention of the cranial bones and there effect on the facial features of the bird.
Jay by Salkeld of Kellett, near Carnforth. This case has enjoyed an interesting journey to its current owner.
Victorian Fox with Pheasant prey by Salkeld of Carnforth.
Victorian Badgers by Thomas Salkeld, who apprenticed to Murray.
Victorian Badgers by Thomas Salkeld, who apprenticed to Murray.
Victorian taxidermy label by T Salkeld of Carnforth. He trained with Murray and this is an example of his lable.
Victorian Badgers by Thomas Salkeld, who apprenticed to Murray.
Victorian Hare's head by Thomas Salkeld, who apprenticed to Murray.
Victorian Roe Deer's head by Thomas Salkeld, who apprenticed to Murray.
Victorian Otter's head by Thomas Salkeld, who apprenticed to Murray.
Victorian Otter's head by Thomas Salkeld, who apprenticed to Murray.
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